Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The colts WON!

Well, this is common knowledge now, and already almost a week late, BUT it's worthy of being my first post in (according to jenn's blog) 1 month, 1 week, and 5 days. (don't worry, mom, i'm going to post "real" pictures, too. We (jenn, jordan, la, and i) went over to the William's house along with a bunch of other people and got to watch the game on the wall through a projector! It was like being on the field...well, not quite, but it was pretty cool! We were inthe minority cheering for the Colts. (and for Jordan's benefit, I will point out he was cheering for the Bears. Jenn and I were cheering for the Colts cause we were born in IN and felt we should be loyal) They won! It was VERY exciting, cause usually the team I want to win doesn't win :) Haha! AND just as important as the game pictures are my CRAZY COLTS FANS friends, Meg and Amy. They were at a different party than us, but I could still hear them screaming when "our" team WON!!


Anonymous said...

GO COLTS!!!!! Love, Mommy R.

The Horaks said...

I love that picture of Meg and Amy! That was such a fun night! It was awesome that the team we picked actually won!!! Yay!