Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well, the last highlight of our visit home over Jason's birthday - at least in pictures - was the cat's photo shoot. I heard Julie messing around out in the garage and found her trying to take pictures of her cat for her blog. So I went to get my camera and joined her. Well, her cat has a slight problem - er, maybe not so slight. Whenever he's happy, he starts purring, and when he's happy and purring he can't control his saliva glands - he is a pathological slobberer. Notice in each picture the strand of slobber coming from his mouth, besides the first one, of course, cause it's too far away, though I can guarantee you it's there. HAHA! The very last picture is especially startling. Mom came out to see what we were doing and was like, what's all over the floor?....we looked down at the once dry floor that was now spotted with slobber, yes, every single spot u see on the floor was from the happy cat. HAHA! (by the way, the foot in the picture is Julie's, I had wading boots on) I brought these cats home this last summer, and let julie pick which one she wanted. Too bad hers turned into a slobberer...but mine went to the neighbors, so maybe we'll just have to try again with some NEW kittens next summer...cause there's no way I'd just get a girl cat for them to have kittens - don't want a whole farm of slobbering cats. HAHA! wow, that would be something. Well, hope this made you laugh like it makes me! Heehee!


The Horaks said...

That is the WEIRDEST cat ever! GROSS! Too bad he's so pretty.

jules said...

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! can i just say that i laughed ALL the way through that post, jessca!!! FUNNY! o man, that was quite a night, i just remember your face when he jumped up on your chest right in front of your face while you were trying to get his picture, yah, and you had NO idea it was coming, LOL! - HILARIOUS!