Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Best 6 Months Ever!

Today (September 27th) marked David and my 6 month anniversary of dating! On one hand I can't believe it's already been that long, but mostly, I can't believe it isn't longer! He has become my best friend. I cherish and look forward to any time we get to spend together! I can't believe that the most amazing and wonderful guy in the world is my boyfriend! The Lord has truly blessed me beyond measure! I put together this collage of some of our pictures from our first picture, a bunch in between, to our most recent. It was fun to do, because it kept my mind happily occupied thinking through all the wonderful memories we've already made together :)
Here's the poster from when he first asked me to be his girlfriend back on March 27th :)

And here are the 6 beautiful pink roses and the chocolates he made sure were delivered to me today! He's such a sweet guy and I'm such a lucky girl :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dancin' the Night Away...

I know I just posted a video, these are already from 2 months ago and too cute to keep to myself. We were all so happy to be able to attend our cousin Carly's wedding around Thanksgiving in Walnut, IL! At the reception, Kaden was all excited to dance once they opened the floor up. Mom (Julia) took him on the first dance which is a precious moment if ever there was one (watch his face - he's all smiles!), and then after getting scared off the dance floor by someone he didn't know, he was lucky to have Courtney & Aunt Jill for dance partners, too! ;) He's had rhythm since he was just a little guy & is the cutest little dancer I've ever seen w/his own signature moves ;)

"Big Boy" Underwear

Kaden has always been a fan of my big exercise ball. This is footage from Thanksgiving when he was playing up in my room. We had all been shopping in Mankato when Jason & Julia got Kaden his first 'big boy' underwear. When we got home he had them on for the first time & was loving it! In the middle of the video he sees himself in the mirror & gets a bit distracted - so hilarious! :D I've somehow managed to cut the video down to 3 min. 20 sec. from the original 9 minutes - not easy to do when he's SO CUTE! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Entertainer


The weekend before Thanksgiving, Kaden was enraptured by Aunt Jenny's piano playing all over the keyboard at (great) Grandma's house, so the following weekend over Thanksgiving at our house, he was very particular in playing each note and turning pages just as she had done. I never tire of watching my adorable nephew do anything! He is just too cute for words, so I end up taking a bunch of video & then have a hard time cutting it down to share, but I doubt everyone else wants to watch 10 - 15 straight minutes of my nephew playing the piano or doing whatever. Heehee! I have more that I need to condense and share so hopefully before the school rush becomes too much I can get those done. This is for you, Mrs. P! Enjoy! :)