Thursday, March 09, 2006

In Memory Of Berkley Boy...

Today I received an e-mail that Berkley died this morning :( I am a very very very sad Aunt. The vet didn't know what was wrong with him - didn't see anything from the examinations they had of he was just supposed to go home and they said it should pass. I kept in touch with Jason and Julia over Skype, and got to see Berkley over the web cam -- it was so sad to see him so not himself :( Usually he 'speaks' to me when I call there, or they'll show me one of his new tricks. He was such a good boy. He wasn't even a year old yet :( I know that Josie really liked it when Berkley came over on Sundays so she had a playmate...I'm sure she'll be wondering where he is - you guys will have to get another puppy! I'm so sorry about Berkley! He was a cutie! I love you, Jason and Julia!


jajurabe said...

we love you too Jess!! Thanks for post :) You are a good Auntie! ~julia

jules said...

sweet post! see u guys soon, i'm so excited about being around u all for a WHOLE week! :)

The Biermann Family said...

That is the saddest thing a new dog owner could ever hear. I saw a dog get hit the other day and wasn't able to sleep all night.