Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Daisy Girl

Everyone meet Daisy. Daisy is Jason and Julia's new puppy. We came home Friday night for spring break, and about an hour after we got home they came over with a new puppy and surprised us all! Daisy is quite different from Berkley. She is much more rolly polly ;) has a short nose, thick tail, and big paws. She's a little cutie, and much more calm than Berkley was. Jason and Julia are happy to have a puppy again, and we all enjoyed her as well. The way Jordan's looking at her, I'm thinking he might be warming up to getting a lab when he and Jenn get a dog instead of a bull dog, right Jordan? Anyways, I'm happy to be an aunt again ;) haha! I'm so glad for you, Jason and Julia! :)


jules said...

awe, cute! :) i miss her... (and everyone else, haaa)

The Biermann Family said...

That is one beautiful dog. I just got a black lab/australian shepherd mix and named her Cheyenne. She's about 3 months old now and potty-training SUCKS! Here's a picture of her, on the day we brought her home, she's about double that size now! http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2074/2316/1600/100_0478.3.jpg

The Horaks said...

Don't grow up too fast, Daisy!