Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Congratulations, Seth and Charity!

Christa stopped by our house Saturday night to say "hi" and when I asked her where Charity was, she said "at home - - with Seth - - Seth's there" and she had a strange twinkle in her eye. So Sunday morning when I walked into church, I found out what the twinkle was all about! On Friday night after watching a movie with the family, and everyone else had gone off to get ready for bed, Seth proposed to Charity, and she said "yes!" (of course - hee, hee!) He gave her a beautiful gold ring with 9 diamonds! and heart shapes on the sides of the three big middle ones. Charity was just glowing on Sunday - and Seth looked pretty excited himself. All of us girls got our cameras out and started taking picture after picture (I think there were 5 or 6 of us with cameras! haha! and they just kept patiently posing for us). Charity has been one of my very dear and closest friends since her and her family moved to Granada in 2000. I feel like we've been friends for so much longer than that, and have enjoyed all the fun memories we've made together in our teen years :) and look forward to the many more to be made! ;) Charity, thank you so much for being such a dear friend. Being friends with you has been full of many good times, and in everything your life has been a challenge to me spiritually. Thank you for the godly example that you are - Seth has truly found himself a treasure! Congratulations! I love you!

1 comment:

jules said...

ooo yay! u did blog :) i'm so proud of u! those r good pictures of charity and seth! i'm so excited about that - even now i'm thinking - wow! i can't hardly believe she's really engaged! :) it's so happy though!!!