Tuesday, September 09, 2008

For You, Jules

Well, Jules, you wanted to see me - here I am :) This is what I look like as I am typing to you. I thought I would let you know that the skunk you warned mom and I about is making rounds around our house or something! Mom said she could smell it when she came home tonight. I couldn't smell it, so I left my window open....
....I can smell it now...
So will you come back home now and be the brave soul that will go out to Josie's barn to make sure she has enough of everything to survive until the skunk leaves for hibernation? That's not too much to ask, is it?


jules said...

hahahaaa! i'm surprised that you didn't use a skunk background ;) i totally would come home and do that, except i can't :( boooo

The Horaks said...

You still have that old red Case IH sweatshirt around?! HAha! Haven't seen that for a while! ;)

I think that a girl who is brave enough to video a vicious groundhog up a tree would be brave enough to walk into a little ol' barn.... ;) Haha! Hope skunky goes away soon!