Yesterday I dedicated most of my time to my school work. Today I definitely fit school into my schedule as well, but I also used the afternoon to get a few miscellaneous projects done that have been hanging over my head. Cleaning out Josie's barn was one of them - the last time it's been cleaned out would have been sometime when Julie was home...maybe even before she ever went to college? Wow! I thought it was a perfect time because the birds would be gone, the wasps would be gone, the mice would be hiding to stay warm, and the spiders would be gone. Well, all was true except for the spider part. (actually, I'll confess that I did think there were mice hanging out somewhere cause I kept hearing little squeaks, but then I realized it was my boots as I was shuffling with the broom - just like the cartoons! haha!) There were nasty spiders galore (and mice droppings everywhere - bleh!) But I toughed it out and got her little home in tip top shape and I even thought to take before and after pictures so you could see how hard I worked, how brave I was, and what a nice job I did ;) Heehee! The picture of Josie in the grass cracks me up! She sat there like that the whole time. She was so nervous about what I was doing, poor thing!
Doesn't it look SO nice and cozy now!? I put in the new hay from the Brochman's and shook out her blanket so she's all ready for the winter cold! She looks like she's enjoying it. Yes, I posed her on the bale...she wanted so badly to come over to me while I was trying to take her picture. I could only get her to obey the command "STAY" for about 2 seconds, so I told her to play dead: "BANG" - that worked. She didn't actually play dead, but she finally laid down and stayed long enough for me to snap the picture. heehee! Notice the shelf in the left-hand corner is clean! I don't know how many years I've wanted to clean that off but can never get myself to do it. It used to have an open wooden box up there w/hay in it from when we had cats. And there are spider webs all over it! I'm not quite tall enough to see in there unless I pull myself up on my tiptoes, so every winter I wonder to myself if there's some creature living in there. It took so much for me to grab that box and RUN to the shed with it where I deposited it in it's new home. My sudden display of urgency as I ran from her house with this big gross wooden box held at arms length didn't help Josie feel any less nervous about what was going on...but she's all happy and cozy in her house now :D HaHa!
Wow!!! Looks so nice, Jess!!! You did a great job and Josie looks so happy!! :) Love, MOM
I'm so glad you got that job done! Although I'm SURE Julie's cleaned it out a time or two since she's been to college! ;) That's so funny that Josie was nervous about what you were doing! Macy's the same way! Whenever I clean the house, Macy usually runs to the door and begs to be let out (she hates the broom and the vacuum). If it's yucky outside, I won't let her out for all that time (it would be counterproductive since she would come in all yucky then), so she disappears to a 'safe' corner of the house instead. It's so funny! :D
yes i have jenn :) you're right! i know there was a summer or two that i have done it.. it just gets bad fast with her chain dragging it all over!
i love your recollection of the story... haha i can imagine how nervous poor josie was:) she's so funny! you and that wooden box! hahaa - i am so proud of you but REALLY wish MOM would've had your camera so she could've caught all your "freak outs" on video ;) hehee... i love you kiddie, wish i could've been there to help you and take you for some fun on your break! xo
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