Thursday, August 21, 2008

Boating in Okoboji!

Here are some pictures from our time at Okoboji on Mom's b-day weekend! I imagine if you read my blog, you read my sister's blog, because it's probably the link on her blog that gets me any readers in the first place ;) That being said, if you would like perfectly stated and full coverage of this wonderful day, refer back to her blog because i do not see how I could state it anymore perfectly! I will just share some fun pictures here :)This is the place from which we rented our boat for the day! Enjoying the ride and the sunshine :)Doug on the wakeboard - amazing! That thing is hard! Jules tried it and got up (above) - I tried it and couldn't even hold onto the rope once I hit the end of the line! It kept popping out of my hands till I no longer had the ability to grip anything! I had trouble holding onto things for the next couple days...Haha! Maybe I'll try again someday after I work on my upper body strength! haha! Or I'll just stick with skiing.This is kind of a neat shot of the 3 boys: Jason driving, Jordan watching (and waiting ;), and Doug skiing. The skis after they dumped Doug. The timing of the picture is incredible! (reminds me of another picture's incredible timing.)Here's Jordan taming the was a bit ornary after being in a box for 11 years.It still took him for a wild ride, but he didn't let it throw him....much :)Jules and I on the tube - crazy fun ride!Jules & I riding in the boat where it's a little easier to hold on :)Doug on the tube. He REALLY got a beating out there!Awe - Doug & Julie :)Jenny & Jordan getting thrown around on the torpedo! It was unbelievable how they could stay on with some of those waves. The torpedo is far more tipsy than any tube!Here they are - such a cute couple! :) Jason & Julia taking their turn on the torpedo.And here they are up close - so cute, too!And Kaden in his cool hat! He was quite the trooper ALL day! He never had a crying spell and gave good smiles for all our picture-taking. He really enjoys the outdoors, and seemed to get a kick out of all that was going on!Kaden spent most of the day with Grandma - see how she's beaming!? :)Jason on a ONE-ski!!! (Another good action picture! :) He's still got it!Swim Time!Kaden in his crab. He was busy kicking around in that thing almost the whole time he was out there! Daddy and Aunt Jenny were getting some good smiles and some "talking" out of him.This picture is so small that it really makes what I'm about to say seem so insignificant - but it really was so cool and bigger in real life. If you look in the very center of the picture you can see a little string of the cloud coming down. That was one of 3 funnel clouds we saw towards the end of the afternoon. They would come down from the cloud and lengthen out and then fizzle out. We would stop and watch them for awhile and then decide to ignore it and keep boating! :)This was the momentous part of the day - Mom on skis!

And she's UP on her first try! Mom just about outskiid all of us, and at the end of the day ended up being more in shape on her "significant" birthday than all her 20-something yr. old kids! Haha! Way to go, Mom!

I'm so thankful we had the opportunity to all be out on the lake again as a family! God is so good to us even in the little things that matter so much to us! I will never forget our fun and special day!


jules said...

fun post! it's good to hear all your fun highlights from the day, too! thanks for sharing! now remember to share even MORE pictures (like the ones from applebees on sunday!!!!) ;) love you

The Horaks said...

That was such a great day!! :)