Monday, October 30, 2006

Spirit Week

Spirit Week at NBBC:
Monday, October 16: Geezer Day Tuesday: Pioneer Day (Green and White Day)
I think your green umbrella really adds a nice touch, Amy! ;)Wednesday: Pastel Day
Danielle rebelled and wore red - so I chose to blog the pic of her in the background so you could see how out of place she looked. Hee, hee! ;)

Thursday Dr. Olson proclaimed as the Day of Rest. It was supposed to be cartoon day/video game character day, but then they moved that to Friday which was supposed to be space day. BUT we went HOME! (here we are all stuffed in the car!)
Laura and I, however, had already bought things from goodwill to be fairies. (before we knew about the surprise day of rest), so in order to make good use of our purchases - cheap though they may have been - we decided to bring them along with our 1 back pack (Jordan's rule - which I'm proud to say we were able to abide by! We are very good at packing efficiently). So we had our fairy wands and fuzzy headbands along, and managed to get a picture of Jordan wearing one - he grabbed it when we weren't looking and just wore it the whole way because he loved it so much! titter - heehee!
...spirit week was fun,
AND it was great to end it by going HOME and spending a wonderful time with our family! Hopefully soon I can post about that - I'm obviously behind in blogging! :P


jules said...

hahahaaa :) i love your post! you guys were awesome for your spirit week! AND, the best part was getting to go home for the weekend...

The Horaks said...

I thought it was so cute how Jordan wanted to get into the 'fairy mood' just like you girls! ;)

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Thanks so much for sharing those!!! You girls are great, but seeing Jordan in the 'fairy mood' was greater (even though it is TWICE as blurry on my computer!! :) Wish I could have seen "Thelma and Bertha go to College"!!! Love, Mom R.