Sunday, October 29, 2006

Special Family

Obviously I am behind in blogging, cause everything I am blogging was a couple weeks ago, but once again...A couple weeks ago I was sitting in chapel and as they were announcing visitors I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Pastor Derrick Suttles was here with his youth group! Derrick was Jason's very good friend at Ambassador Baptist Bible College when Jason attended there for a year. Derrick came up to visit us over Christmas break. We called him our southern bro and he called us his northern fam. We all made some good memories together. But then Jason transferred to Bob Jones and we only saw him once after that until Jason's other friend Brian got married and Derrick and Jason were both in the wedding. Derrick had gotten married and was about to be a daddy. But we lost touch again until now - this time I got to meet his wife, Katie and his little daughter, Emily, and found out that another one is on the way! It's so neat how God keeps making our paths cross. That weekend I went down to visit Julie at MBBC and we went to the outlet mall together. When we parked we got out and the first thing we saw was a bus from Huntsville, AL! I knew Derrick's group was going to Maranatha after N-land but we still thought it was pretty crazy they were there! So we hopped on the bus and asked if we could have a ride to Alabama. Heehee! They are such a sweet little family and I hope God causes our paths to cross again soon - maybe next time when our whole family is together and we can all catch up!

1 comment:

jules said...

yes, it was so fun to see them and meet "his family." i always hope that our paths will cross again, sooner than later! they are so sweet!