Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Puppet Show

Each night at the close of Kings Kids we do a puppet show for the kids. Aunt Darlene has been writing the scripts, but I didn't get any pix of her :( We puppeteers get together ahead of time to practice and also sing songs with the kids during opening. They enjoy it so much - I SO remember those days - I loved puppets! I still do, actually! They have a way of bringing a smile to your face :)Showing how much we love puppets - actually, just being silly...but it went with what I said above about loving puppets. Heehee!Me and my puppet gangSara and the gang Why don't we get to have heart tongues?
Sara! Look out!This puppet is my favorite. Last week, she was played by Charise as my puppet's mother. It was difficult not to laugh because she is so much bigger than the other puppets and has a rather large dent in the left side of her head...and...she just looks funny :DThis week, Charise played the character of my puppet's friend, Pete. I have so much fun doing puppets with Charise - she is constantly cracking me up!Here's Sara with Lucy - my puppet's sister. Sara is one of the singer puppeteers!Me and my puppet, Fred - doesn't he have the greatest hair ever?! haha! I love it!Cute Charise and Pete.

When we're not doing puppets, Sara does an excellent job of manning - or should i say womaning - the King's Kids files for all the kids moving up in the ranks. (I love this pic!) I get to help in Mom's class after the lesson when they're all working hard on their verse cards. Wednesday's have become my least favorite day of the week because I have school from 8 in the morning till 5:30 in the evening nearly non-stop. But at the end of the day, after King's Kids, Wednesday suddenly becomes one of my favorites! I just love all our kids!!!! Please keep these dear children of our King's Kids ministry in your prayers!


Anonymous said...

You girls all do such a great job!! Thank you for all of your hard work!!! The puppets are a great hit!!! MOM R.

Paula said...

Hey, if you wonderful ladies ever need an extra person to help out, I'm still in Granada (at least for right now) and would love to help out if you ever need an extra hand. :)

It sounds like there's a wonderful ministry there (just as there has been for a long time!) and you guys are awesome at making it so much fun! :)

Sara Marie said...

We had too much fun while the kids were in class!! It was great!

jules said...

i miss wednesday nights there!!!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY DO! they were my favorite of the summer - and it's funny how you say wed. are your least favorite days, b/c it was that way for me this summer b/c i'd swing jonah all day :) but by the end of the night, i LOVED the day :)
miss you kid, and i'm praying for all the kings children :)

The Horaks said...

I always loved the puppets too, although I never got to actually do them very much. I remember as a kid I didn't like it that their hair always looked so crazy. I always wanted to brush it. Hahaha! I was weird, I know. ;) I really liked looking at the pictures of you and Sara with the puppets!! :D