Friday, October 03, 2008

Star Struck

"Blessed be the darkness,
for it reveals unto us the stars!"
Last night as I was driving home I noticed that the stars were especially clear and many, so I called one of my dear friends, Charise, to come star-gaze with me in my back yard. We live on 5 acres outside a town of about 300 people, so light isn't really a hindrance to the view - that's the beauty of the country! It was so dark last night and in addtion to the millions of stars, you could see some streams of gallaxies! I saw a total of 4 shooting stars! Charise missed them all, but then caught one right before we turned in for the night. Some wispy clouds interrupted our view for awhile, but even those were pretty neat to look at! Charise said, "This is going to sound funny, but you know what those clouds look like?" and I said, "A line of angels holding hands?" and she was like, "YES!" It really did! Anyway, we had such a fun time together out on our reclining lawn chairs, zipped up in sleeping bags with pillows, blankets, (and some of mom's chocolate chip cookies)- it's one of the most relaxing and awe-inspiring things in the world you can do!

Such a night always reminds me of Psalm 8:3 - 4, 9 - "When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; What is man that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him? O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth!"


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! And, beautifully said!! Makes me want to star gaze with you one night!! ;) Love you so much!! ~Your loving dorm leader

The Horaks said...

That's such a fun idea! :) I think it sounds like you're going to have to do it again with your 'dorm leader' one of these days! Haha! I could just picture you girls out there with your sleeping bags and lawn chairs!!! :D

jules said...

sounds cool! doug, me and you did that once - and mom might have come out for awhile...? :) i love doing that, too!!

Charity Dawn said...

Oh Jess, I miss doing that with you! And seeing creepy shodows along the trees only to find that it was the cars driving by. Hee!