Saturday, September 23, 2006

Slessor Society Night

Thursday morning, the 14th, during chapel, each of the societies gave their presentations to convince the freshmen which society was the best to join during society rush which was to follow. There were of course the usual funny presentations by Cary and Carmichael, the dramatic presentation of Dreisbach, and the redeeming presention of the Judson society, presentations by Champlin, and Spurgeon, and then the traditional presentations of Slessor and Brainerd. And like the tra
dition of our presentation, our evening "welcome to slessor" activity has remained traditional. At 6, the slessor girls meet out at the beach front to have a good time together and welcome the freshmen. We start out with fresh fried bread topped with honey or chocolate and powdered sugar. It's very yummy - before "Slessor" I'd never had it (Jenelle got a picture of me cleaning the very last of it off my plate very well. heehee)!

Then we chose our KEYS partners. Jenelle and I were KEYS partners last year, and got to be again this year! We always have good times together. As KEYS partners we get together once a week to pray with each other and encourage each other. We also sit by each other in chapel every day - it is not mandatory to sit with KEYS partners this year, but we like to. :)

As soon as everyone has chosen their KEYS partners we play our traditional games - they are actually very wierd games, and not favorites of mine, but everyone gets to know each other really fast, for sure. We usually have a bonfire and sing and give testimonies, but for some reason this year, we didn't. We always meet our brother society, Brainerd, outside the coffee shop, though to sing and stuff, so I guess it's okay. :) I'm going to finish blogging the night, but this post will no longer load pictures...


Anonymous said...

It looks like you have quite a group of girls and a fun night together!! Thanks for the pictures!!! Love, Mom R. <3

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I must say that the picture of you cleaning your plate is a classic----thank you Jenelle!! :) Love, Mom R. <3

The Horaks said...

I like the picture of you cleaning your plate best too! It looks so familiar! ;)
