Saturday, September 23, 2006

Julie's Room

Haha! I just found this picture on my camera when i was uploading my pictures onto my computer. Evidently Julie took a picture of her room while she was packing for school. This is only a small section of it - the rest was very similar, and we had to carry it all down and fit it into the van. Yet, I think this was her best packing job ever. Good job, Julie! Hee,hee! I, on the other hand did not take a picture of my room while i was packing, so there is no evidence of the chaos of my packing job. I didn't start packing for this semester until 10:30 the night before I left - so i was up till 4. But it was worth it cause I got to spend quality time with mom and good friends on my last day home. I must have packed the car in my sleep cause I hardly remember the process. It just seems like we got here and somehow everything fell into place. Now we're almost done with our 3rd week already. I have some catching up to do on my blog, so here goes....


jules said...

o no! ;)

Anonymous said...

Where are the shoes?!??!!?? What horribly, funny memories!!! I am sure you both NEED all of the STUFF you took, . . . right??!?!?! I'll have to get up at 3:30 a.m. next year and grab my camera!!! Love, Mom R. <3

The Horaks said...

Wow, that picture is definitely worth a thousand words! haha!!!