Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Jason & Julia

This is my brother and sister - in - law, Jason and Julia. :) (so handsome, and so pretty :) Over Thanksgiving break, we all went to our Grandma's in
Illinois. Julie is a good photographer and loves taking pictures, so Julia asked her to take pictures for them at the red covered bridge near my Grandma's home for their Christmas card. Berkley is their "son" - and the reindeer antlers he is wearing are from me! - his aunt Jessie ;) hee,hee! I'm such a good aunt! (I can't wait to be a REAL aunt! Just think of all the fun junk I will get your kids! haha! I'm going to spoil them! j/k! ;) Anyways, Jason is the bestest brother in the whole world - actually, the whole UNIVERSE! - just thought I would clarify in case there is anyone in space right now. hee,hee! ;) He went to BJU and that is where he met Julia - who is the bestest sister - in - law in the whole world (and universe)! :) I am so glad that they got married, and that they live so close to us now! It has been so fun to see them in church every Sunday and Wednesday, and to be able to get together whenever. When it was just Mom and I at home, they took good care of me while mom was working. They had me over for dinner, movies, games, and overnights. I am so thankful for them, and also for the godly example that they are and have been to me. I know I am so blessed to have a brother and "sister" that I can look up to and have fun with and that I know pray for me. I love you both SO much! And I miss you!


jules said...

JESS! u totally crack me up on your posts! i don't know if it's just me, but i find myself always laughing out loud about how u go on and on with stuff about spoiling kids with junk, and universe and space... man, where do u get it?! ;) u r so cute.
it's soooooooo fun to see your blog updated so frequently! (maybe u'll need to change that part under your title, then!) yay!

jajurabe said...

what a sweet girl! reading your posts remind me of the 4 page letter i would get from you during college, he he. i loved those things:) it was like you were having a conversation with the paper! ha. I am so glad you are blogging. It is so very fun to hear from you and for the record you are one of the bestest "sisters" in the universe! ~jnr