Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy 19th Birthday, Charity! :)

Best Friends Forever! :)

Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday, dear Charity!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!

This is my dear friend, Charity Dawn Schofield. Her and I met when her dad came to intern at our church in the fall of 2000. Our friendship grew from there, and I feel like I've known her WAY longer than that! But then in away - I can't believe it's already been 5 and a half years since we first met. I'm so thankful the Lord brought her into my life. He knew I needed a friend like her. Thank you so much Charity for being a godly friend who has only ever influenced and challenged me through your life to know God more. You have been such an encouragement to me always, and I'm so thankful for all the memories and good times we've already stored up. I'm going to miss you while you're traveling over spring break and summer, but I'm excited you have this opportunity! As soon as you get back, though - we HAVE to get together :) Anybody who reads this post, if you want to say happy birthday to Charity - just leave her a birthday note in the post a comment box. I love you so much, Charity! I hope you had a really wonderful happy birthday! ;) xo

This is Laura, me, and Charity this summer at one of our church picnics not long before we all headed off to college. It was such a beautiful day - makes me want to jump into the picture! hee,hee! ;) It's so fun when we all get to be together. Can't wait till we can do that again!

Proverbs 17:17 - "A friend loveth at all times..."


Sara Marie said...

That was so cool, Jessica!

jules said...

happy birthday, charity! i love u... u girls all look so cute in those pictures!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Charity!!!! Love, Mom Rabe <3

Jess said...

I'll post a comment on my own blog just to say Happy Birthday!! :) hee,hee! I hope you had a wonderful day - and that all your friends made it special! Call me anytime! I miss you so much! Hope all is going well for you at school, etc... ;) Love you tons! xo
Jess :)

The Horaks said...

Happy Birthday, Charity!!! You're a very sweet a special friend. God was so good when He brought your family to Granada! I will always be thankful for you! Love you! Jenn

jajurabe said...

I wish you a very happy birthday Charity!! and the whole year to come. I hope it brings with it many joys and happy times!! ~julia

Laura Kimbrough said...

YES!!! Happy Birthday Charity!! I love and miss you soooo much and hope that you had a wonderful day!!!! Thanks for your friendship...I'm always challenged by you and I admire you a lot! You're a very sweet person!! <3 Love, laura