Sunday, May 07, 2006

Finals Week

Time has gone so fast! Last week was our last week of classes, and now we're studying for finals! There's a lot of studying to do, and also a lot of cleaning for white glove. We did most of our cleaning yesterday, and now our room looks so bare - it's kind of sad. But of course I'm excited to go home and be in my real room :) We've been doing as much as we can with our friends this weekend, because we know this week will be busy and fast, and before we know it, it will all be over. You can go to Laura's blog to see pix from all that - I haven't put them on my computer yet, but hopefully will be able to blog some more before I go home (where it's back to slow dial up - and pretty much no blogging opportunities). Anyways, you all can pray for Laura and I - we both have 2 exams a day Monday thru Wednesday (she has 3 Wednesday), and then just 1 on Thursday along with pack check. Because of pack check, we will be disconnected from the internet Wednesday night till we go home. :( Can't wait till all the studying and finals are done, and then we'll be sophomores! And also can't wait to get some real sleep when we get home! I'm not going to use an alarm clock again till I get back to school - probably not really, but at least I won't be using one EVERY morning. :)


Laura Kimbrough said...

hahahaha! i LOVE that comic...i'm going to beat the livin day lights out of my alarm clock one of these days! THEN it won't be such a smarty pants buzz head! hahhahahahahaa!

jajurabe said...

study hard Jess!! I will be praying for you! I can't believe you are almost a sophmore :) Miss you and love you!! ~julia

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!!! I love Garfield and I have missed him----thanks for including him on your blog again!!! Still, I want more pics of you girls, though!!! :) Study, study, study!!! Have fun!!! Soon you'll be a sophmore!!!! The Lord is so GOOD!!! Love, Mommy <3

jules said...

sophomores?!?!?!! crazy :) that is soooo fun - this year has flown! i love that cartoon... it really made me laugh - i just love his face as he's watching it... hahaaa!