Saturday, May 13, 2006

Timeline STILL Continued ;)

This is us in our Christian Service class. It was nice we got to choose where we wanted to sit, and then that was our spot for assigned seating - so of course we all sat together. (Megan WAS smiling till Roy got in the pic - poor Meg! hee, hee!)

This was during missions conference week. Each evening meal, one of the classes was in charge of doing a banquet theme. This night was the Juniors, and I think the country was Ecuador. Anyways, they serve food like that country, and the servers dress up like they're from that country, and then a missionary from that country gets up and presents their ministry, etc...That night was probably the most normal food. We girls had fun :) Dani and Megan were in rare - or maybe not so rare - form, and wouldn't be good little girls for their picture, so these are all we got of them from the night, but even in their goofy pictures you can see that looked so pretty for the banquet ;)

This is a typical afternoon for us after classes, we all come pile in laura's and my room between the computers and talk and laugh and check our emails, etc... so much fun! :)

1 comment:

jules said...

awe, u girls look so cute all piled up by the computers :) and i love all your pictures! post more post more! ;)