Friday, May 12, 2006

Timeline Continued

This brings me to some fun updating news. At the "Arsenic & Old Lace" play, Laura went with Sam. Things have progressed from there, and Laura and Sam are now dating! I have LOTS more I could say, but I need to keep these captions short, or I might not be able to finish my timeline :) Hee, hee! All I can say right now is Fun, fun! ;)

I'm not sure if I have the chronology of all these events correct, but this is from Easter Sunday. It was a beautiful day, though a little windy. Our church had an Easter fellowship breakfast, and then a cantata, "The Bread of Life." Laura sang a solo in it, and it was just beautiful! There were a LOT of people there, and visitors that came - what an answer to prayer! And someone got saved! It's been neat to see how the Lord has been working at Norway since we've been here over the school year - I think the church has pretty much doubled in size, many people have gotten saved, baptized, and joined, and a teen group has developed. (Laura and I get to help in the teen group :))

1 comment:

jules said...

there goes the word "fun" again ;) i say "cute cute" i'm SO glad u r online for awhile longer, i was going to be so lonely!