Monday, November 03, 2008

Gang's All Here!

A few weekends ago, the whole family came home! Mom and I look forward to the times when our big empty house can be full again! It's always wonderful to have everyone together!
This picture was actually taken Sunday morning, but I'm putting it first cause it's the only picture we have from the weekend with our whole family in it :)Jason, Jenny & Jordan.
Sunday afternoon we had a little celebration for the birthday kids with cake and presents.Julia wrapped Jenny's gift in such a cute gift bag, so we had to get a picture of her with it's pinkness. Of course, Jason and Jordan were making fun of us girls for being picture heads, so they had to get in on it = Jason's ugly face and Jordan's hand....silly boys...Saturday we had a party for all the birthday kids with some of our friends! Jenny is 25 this year and Jordan is 26! Getting old...
Jenny had her chocolate cake and Jordan had his apple crisp. They each had a candle to blow out for their wish, but Jason blew Jenny's out before she had a chance. Mom relit it for her, but then Jordan blew it out....poor Jenny....she's always been the object of their relentless teasing and picking....Here's the birthday boy and Julia. Jason got his own chocolate cake as well. (and a glass of milk, of course) ;) Jason turned 28 this year! Getting old (I have to say that cause I'm the youngest ;))...but he's still lookin' good if you ask me....The boy table at the party: Jordan, Adam, Jason, Justin & Taylor.The girl table at the part: me, Jenny, Tara, Jules & Julia (mom was there, too, but she had already gone upstairs at this point)My beautiful sisters - Miss you, girls!The 2 little puppies: Kaden & Macy (Kaden wasn't always so sure what to think about his hairy cousin...)

And a couple cute photos of Kaden - he is just the cutest little boy ever!


The Horaks said...

That was such a fun weekend!!! I miss you guys! Love you!

jules said...

O i miss it already! i had a great time being home AND seeing everyone - can't believe it'd been since august! love you lots :)