Thursday, August 31, 2006

We're Back...

Well, I just wrote a nice long post - and then I just deleted it. oops! Oh well - I always make my posts too long anyways. But I'm back here at Northland. Mom brought me up, and before she left we were able to spend some fun times together with Jenn and Jordan. If you read this email before tomorrow - please pray for her because she will be traveling in to the night, and was already very tired when she left. I'm all moved in to my new room, and have good roommates - for which I am very thankful. And Laura's in my room again! (for which I am most thankful!) But she won't get here till tomorrow. Dani is already here and she's right across the hall from us! But we are sad the Meg is down on first floor. Laura and Megan get here tomorrow, and then everything starts up! I don't know when I'll be on to blog again, but stay tuned! :)


Danielle said...

I just want to say that I was sitting next to Jess while she was writing this...I havent done that in awhile..Its nice to be back!!miss everyone!!

jajurabe said...

i am so glad you made it safe!! love you girlie!!

The Horaks said...

Welcome back, Jessie! It's so nice to have you here again! Thanks for coming down last night and eating peaches with me! ;)

O! And thanks for the 'present'! Hee, hee! :D


jules said...

ok, so everything starts up when THEY get there ;) you girls are so cute. love you and miss you!

Laura Kimbrough said...

eeeee!!!! I'M HERE!!! i'm so excited! :D Right now i'm sitting next to you jes, and we're checking blogs together. :) i don't know what we're going to do with our computers soooo far away from each other in our rooms!!! Ahhh!!! jk :) hey...btw, you should change the font color sometime on this blog instead of ALWAYS doing brown. (hahahhahahahahahahaha...jk) love u!

Sara Marie said...

I wish that I could find out what your room # is so i can send you some snail mail! Maybe I will email you and you can tell me what it is!!


ps. Miss you and Laura LOTS!!

Christa Schofield said...

Welcome back girl!! I love you and miss you. Have a great semester. You need to call me and give me your girl's extion number etc.!!