Thursday, November 01, 2007

Teen Camp 5

Teen 5 was really different because so many of the counselors were in specialty camps and sports camps. The teams only had 8 counselors each, so it was hard to keep the hype in team meetings. It was kind of sad to spend the last teen week all split up like that, but it was nice to be in prayer meeting every night before the service and hear how things were going for everyone. It was the most difficult week for me because it was not only the most girls I had had all summer, but I also had the most difficult camper I had had all summer. Her name was Katie. She's the camper in the first picture with me that doesn't look too happy. I don't think she liked me, but surprisingly enough the Lord had placed a love for her in my heart by the end of the week that I definitely could not have produced on my own. She definitely tried my patience, but as I spoke with her on many occasions, I just felt so burdened over her obviously lost soul and her refusal to accept Christ as her Savior and her all in all. She felt she could be sufficient in and of herself. She told me that was what she didn't like about salvation was that we can't earn it - it's all God. She wanted to be able to give credit to herself. I tried explaining it to her numerous times, but there also came a point that I had to give it over to God. It wasn't going to be anything I could say - the power is in God's Word - in the gospel itself and the work of the Holy Spirit. She left that week completely unchanged, but I continue to pray for her and rest in the promise that God's Word will continue to do a work in her heart.

Kendra was one of my campers who had such a sweet spirit. She got very involved in games, cheering, and cabin unity. She and her friend always had a cheerful spirit and liked to include everyone. Without them in my cabin, I think it would have taken twice as long to form friendships among the girls in the cabin. There were so many different personalities. At the end of the week - the night before she left actually - Kendra shared a huge load on her heart. She has a very difficult home life and a lot of things that she's struggling with and just wanted help. I shared some scripture with her, but it was also awesome to know who she was going home with. Shad and Elizabeth Vork were her sponsers, so we both talked with them at breakfast and they are going to be there for her at home. It was a fun surprise that week to see the Vorks. Shad used to go to our church, and is a really good friend of our family. And I got to meet their son, Justin. He's such a little cutie!

I also enjoyed seeing Ellen McKeown around that week. She is Emily's sister - Emily is one of my good friends from when I was a camper and also from attending school at Northland. Ellen always had a pretty smile on that encouraged me.

Bethany was another one of my campers who had a very sweet spirit. She got assurance of her salvation that week.

Another neat surprise that week was to see my pastor from 7 years ago, Pastor Goodwill and his daughter, Hannah! I was thankful that it worked out for us to spend over an hour in the Grind one afternoon to catch up. That was also a huge encouragement to me that week.

I also have some pictures with some of my girlfriends. Brianne was a counselor on my team and Kelly was a counselor on the blue team. Both are sweethearts!

And then, of course, my dear Helaine. We were pretty much inseperable. She was always a prayer warrior for my campers. We always made a point to get to know each other's campers. And finally I have a picture of all my campers from the week. Though it seemed to be the most difficult week for all the counselors, it was also one of the most amazing weeks, because as we came to the end of ourselves we were able to witness the work of God alone in the hearts of not only the campers, but also ourselves.

1 comment:

jules said...

neat week...
cute pictures jess! :)
i'm so glad you got to have that camp experience! YAY!